I loved this book. But I sort of picked it up off the book shelf out of curiosity, so I really had no expectations one way or the other.
I don't know if it was the way it was written, or the observations themselves, but I ended up agreeing with the author on 95% of the issues she covers. She talks about everything from the pathologizing of America to the problems with our capitalist lifestyle, to our obsession with other peoples' traumas. It's possible that liking this book makes me un-American, but oh well, I can live with that. Also, I appreciated Rufus' self-deprecation, not only telling us what's wrong with society on the whole, but also detailing her own faults and 'stuckness'. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone interested in sociological observations and writings... or anyone fond of the idea of escaping the rat race to go live in a hut somewhere.
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